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Why Openport?

Are you managing a large amount of devices? You don't control the network they are using? Are you stuck behind a firewall? Or does your IP change frequently? Use Openport!

share your workShare your work

Want to show your site to your clients before it's finished? Use Openport! Simply open the port you are using to develop the site (usually 8000 or 8080) and your client or friends can see the site before it is live to the public.

share via sshAccess your pc via SSH

Are you running linux? Setup ssh on your pc or server, open port 22 and connect to your device using "ssh <my user> -p <my port on openport>". Now you can access your device from anywhere in the world.

share your desktopShare your desktop

Using VNC you can share your desktop in your LAN. With openport you can open the VNC port (default 5900) to the world. Set it up once, and leave it running. You never know when you will need your PC remotely.

share a fileCreate your own solution

Use the code from the client or build your own solution on top of openport. Multiple servers across the globe make sure you have minimal latency. The possibilities are endless.

Download & Installation

Follow the instructions below to download and install Openport.

Step 1: Download the latest version

Use the buttons below to download the Openport version that is right for you.

Debian AMD64 / Ubuntu 64-bit Download
Debian/Raspbian ARMHF (Raspberry Pi Zero) Download
Debian/Raspbian ARM 64-Bit (RPI3, RPI4, RPI5) Download
Red Hat 64 bit / Fedora 64 bit / CentOs 64 bit/ Scientific Linux 64 bit Download
Mac OS X 10.8+ Download
Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 Download

You can download previous versions here.

Step 2: Install

Windows / Mac OS X

Double click the installer and follow the instructions.

Debian / Raspbian / Ubuntu

Run the following command:

$ sudo dpkg -i openport_*.deb
Red Hat / Fedora / CentOs / Scientific Linux

Run the following command:

$ sudo rpm -i openport_*.rpm

Step 3: Run it

That's it! Now you can start sharing your ports. Simply enter the following command on the command line. Don't forget to replace the port by the one you want to share!

$ openport 8080

Check out "help" for more options:

$ openport --help

Step 4 (Optional): Create an account

Click here to see your devices and on-line sessions.

Pricing & features

Choose the package below that best fits your needs. You can cancel or upgrade your subscription here.

$ 0 / month
  • 1 device
  • 1 connection per device
  • 10 MB transfer per month
  • 1 day connection timeout
  • No API access
$ 5 / month
  • 3 devices
  • 3 connections per device
  • 1000 MB transfer per month
  • No connection timeout
  • Full API access
  • price per year: $ 50
  • 30 days free trial period
$ 0 / month
  • 100 devices
  • 5 connections per device
  • 10000 MB transfer per month
  • No connection timeout
  • Full API access
Contact Sales
$ 1 / month / key*
  • Unlimited devices
  • 20 connections per device
  • 100000 MB transfer per month
  • No connection timeout
  • Full API access
  • 30 days free trial period
  • * Minimal 30 keys billed per month